Oh, boundaries. Oft-talked about and seldom understood – boundaries are deeply important in your life and your relationships. With this weekend’s new moon in Virgo urging us to turn inward and focus on ourselves with great love and great honesty, especially on the patterns, beliefs, and deepest and darkest that may not be serving our best and highest purpose, it is the perfect time to honestly evaluate the boundaries you have set in your current relationships, or the patterns you tend to play out in your boundaries.  The reason boundaries are such a difficult topic, and what also makes them amazing contenders for the inward push of Virgo, is we so often use what we call “boundaries” as a form of control. We try to dictate, control, and change the behavior of other people and say we’re just practicing good boundaries.

Here’s what I want you to take away from this week’s alchemy session: Your boundaries are about YOU. They have nothing to do with changing or affecting other people.

Boundaries should give you freedom. They give you freedom to be who you are without apology, and to walk away when another person cannot respect that. They give you the freedom to be responsible for yourself and your own behavior and not for others.  They give you the freedom to communicate your needs and desires without questioning your worth or value based on the other person’s response.

Use this week and the Virgo new moon energy as an opportunity to go deep and evaluate what’s working and what isn’t working in your own boundary setting.

(Psst- if you want to get right to the tapping, jump ahead to about 14:29)