The one topic that comes up the most in all of my one-on-one work, group work, and programs is FORGIVENESS.

Letting go of old relationships and truly moving on from past lovers, in many cases, requires forgiveness, but we humans have such a difficult time getting there for some reason. We carry a misconception around forgiveness and letting go that it somehow means something about the other person, their merit, and whether or not they deserve to be ‘let off the hook’ or ‘get away’ with what they’ve done or how they’ve treated us. The truth is, forgiveness is a part of the process of letting go that has everything to do with YOU.

It’s deciding that YOU deserve peace, well-being, and love MORE than you deserve to spend another minute of your life holding vigil over that old story.

It’s deciding that YOU deserve peace, well-being, and love MORE than you deserve to spend another minute of your time or ounce of your energy invested in the details of that past relationship.

You cannot bring in a new, better, more epic love story if you’re spending all of your time and energy re-reading the old ones. We live in a vibrational universe- where we put our focus and our energy is important. The universe will always bring more of what you focus on back to you– and that old relationship and those old feelings probably aren’t really what you want more of, if you’re honest with yourself.

This week’s Love Alchemy Session invites you to consider three keys to forgiving and truly letting go of your ex (or your exes).